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Welcome back to Agro2Circular, with our 4th newsletter!


Since our last newsletter, many other steps have been achieved by the consortium, and the coordinator Fuensanta Monzò shares them with you:


A2C has developed two extraction routes to extract valuable ingredients for the nutraceutic, food and cosmetic industries from fruit & vegetable waste. By combining different extraction and purification techniques using green solvents ,  we have obtained extracts rich in phenolic compounds and dehydrated extracts rich in fibre,  which can be used to enhance the nutritional feature of food formulations and antioxidant effect of cosmetic formulations.


Several extractions techniques have been tested and combined:

Route 1= it has been developed  by researchers in Spain and it involves aqueous extraction, enzymatic extraction, ultrasound assisted extraction, and supercritical water extraction.

Route 2= it has been developed by researchers in Italy and it involves Eutectic extraction (NADES), enzymatic extraction, and microwave assisted extraction.


A purification step followed by a stabilisation treatment ensures that the final extracts meet the standard established  for ingredients to be used for food, nutraceutic and cosmetic formulation. 

A2C is currently in the process to integrate all the technologies at pilot scale to build  a demonstrator for each of the extraction routes.


Finally,A2C is  committed to creating circular business by developing solutions for the upcycling of agri-food waste that will be shown by building up to ten different demonstrators. 


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