
23 Apr 2024

EURADA highlights Agro2Circular at WCEF Brussels, Frontsh1p joins

Agro2Circular was represented by EURADA at WCEF2024 in Brussels

EURADA shone a spotlight on Agro2Circular at the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF2024) in Brussels, while its sister project, Frontsh1p, engaged in face-to-face matchmaking during the Accelerator Session.

The World Circular Economy Forum serves as a nexus for global dialogue and action on circular economy initiatives: Agro2Circular and Frontsh1p seized the opportunity to network and collaborate during the face-to-face matchmaking session, following insightful presentations on various circular economy-related initiatives.

The session facilitated in-depth discussions and collaboration among stakeholders, while two other roundtable discussions paved the way for fruitful exchanges, setting the stage for synergistic partnerships.

This event reiterated the significance of such initiatives in driving sustainable development, underscoring the projects’ commitment to innovation and collaboration.

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