
20 Feb 2023

Products digital identities, consumers expectations, and European regulation

When you buy a product, what are your expectations in terms of transparency and sustainability? What information would you like to find on your food label? These and many more questions were answered during the 2022 edition of the Active and Intelligent Packaging Industry Association (AIPIA).

On November 12- 15 all the innovators transforming the world of cosumer goods packaging met at the AIPIA World Congress. And the European project Agro2Circular was among them.

Dominique Guinard the VP, Cloud and IoT of EVRTYHNG, one of Agro2Circular’s partners, was at the exhibitor’s booths presenting the project developments and progress on digitalization of the food packaging. The two points that raised more interest among the visitors were the manufacturing of biodegradable packaging and the role of data in such ecosystems.

The exhibitor’s booth was not the only showcase opportunity for Agro2Circular. Dominique Guinard also participated in a panel discussion on Connected Packaging and Redefining the Data Flow, and he summarised the three main takeaways of the congress in his blogpost.

The world congress on active and intelligent packaging industry association was exciting and enlightening, due to all the innovation and proof-of-concept that were presented. The consumer’s demand for transparency and sustainability is backed up by an upcoming European regulation: the EU Digital Product Passport, to guarantee that consumers have all the information they need.

AIPIA event confirmed the acceleration of product digitization largely led by consumers demanding greater sustainability and transparency in the products they purchase, wear, and consume.

While consumers are making purchasing decisions that align with their interests in personal health and the environment, industry innovators are bringing fine-grained sensing capabilities to billions of consumer products accelerating a mass-scale Internet of Things.

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