Agro2Circular is halfway through the project, after a few months dense of events, activities and results: read the second newsletter to find out more.
Dear reader,
Welcome back to Agro2Circular. We are now halfway through our journey towards circular economy and waste valorisation.
Our second newsletter brings together all the past news and activities of the project, as well as giving you a preview of upcoming events.
We are also proud to present you the first videos of our new series #WeSpokeWith, made by our partner Primafrio…more will follow!
We want to share with you again the milestones of A2C spanish focus, who have had a few months dense of activities.
At this stage of the project we are about to undergo our first revision by the European Commission where we will have the opportunity to report our first achievements:
– Several successful routes for the extraction of bioactives from fruit & vegetable waste, ready to start the next step of scaling up, as well as effective trials in the aluminium recovery of plastic waste
-The lay-out of the plant for the recycling of the metallised multilayer plastic waste has been defined for its further materialisation in a demonstrator
– PET waste degradation has been optimised for yield improvement and PHBV biodegradable plastic has been obtained from fruit waste, and we’re ready to scale up the processes
– A new version of A2C Data Integration System has been developed for waste traceability and management optimisation
– We keep studying the environmental, social and economic impact of A2C circular territorial solution
In the next few months we will progress in the scaling of the technologies and their integration in the 10 demonstrators that will be shown at the end of the project in the Region of Murcia-Spain.
Follow Agro2Circular and join the revolution,
Fuensanta Monzó – Project Coordinator
Read the full newsletter here.
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