The dissemination of Agro2Circular strategies to boost the upcycling of the agri-food sector residues has begun in Murcia Region, Spain.
Agro2Circular is a project born with local roots and an international soul. Upscaling and dissemination of its technological solutions is a crucial objective for this project. This is why it is necessary for Agro2Circular to build a strong network and raise awareness among the stakeholders since the first phases of its development.
Agrofood Murcia cluster, the partner involved in the communication and dissemination of Agro2Circular strategy, has been taking part in several conferences in the Region of Murcia, Spain.
The objectives of Agrofood taking part in many conferences is to raise awareness towards the project Agro2Circular and its goals and strategies, to attract possible stakeholders,to expand the project’s network and to maintain a high interest on Agro2Circular and its activities.
On June 14th 2022, Agrofood and CTNC – Centro Tecnológico Nacional de la Conserva y la Alimentación, another partner of Agro2Circular, took part in a National meeting with the project stakeholders in Madrid, Spain. The “Calidad, Producción y Sostenibilidad” (Quality, Production and Sustainability) working group was organised by food-life for Spain.
Agrofood and CTNC participated with the talk “El valor oculto de los residuos del sector agroalimentario – Agro2Circular, como solución sistémica circular territorial” (The hidden value of the agri-food sector residues – Agro2Circular as systemic, circular and territorial solution).
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