26 Oct 2023, 10:00-12:00


Agro2Circular with the LOOP cluster helps “putting the economy in circular motion”

In occasion of the Circular Week 2023, the LOOP cluster has reunited for a joint webinar on the main theme of Circular Economy

The webinar is titled: “Demonstrating the circular economy in Europe’s regions- Circular Territorial Clusters and Circular Economy Action Plans” and it will be held online On October 26th from 10 to 12 am.

The four Horizon 2020 sister projects Agro2Circular, CIRCULAR FOAM, EcoeFISHent and FRONTSH1P deploy circular systemic solutions (CSS) at territorial level and are now coming together to showcase  dos and don’ts  in creating long-lasting territorial circular clusters and developing Circular Economy Action Plans.

In the transition from a linear to a circular economy, the regional dimension is key, as this is where the technical circular solutions are demonstrated.

Find more information here, and the link for registration here


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