The 1st PestNu workshop on sister projects’ clustering activities will take place on July 2022 in Thessaloniki (Greece). Agro2Circular will be present to
More than 20 EU project coordinators and the Green Deal project coordinators of LC-GD-6-1-2020 are invited to participate in the clustering activities organized by CERTH– Centre for Research & Technologies Hellas and held at its central amphitheater on 7 July from 9:00 to 17:00 pm.
The aim of the workshop is to foster exchanges between the participants while identifying and promoting potential synergies between European projects to meet the objectives of the European Green Deal. The workshop will help create a broader policy framework in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), in organic farming, food wastes, and in novel circular economy food production systems.
For Agro2Circular connecting and exchanging kowledge with other projects is fundamental, and the consortium already started an intense activity of networking with its sister projects.
Agro2Circular nature is to be a collaborative project, anchored to the territory but ready to expand and connect to other projects on a global level. Following its nature, Agro2Circular couldn’t miss the chance offered by PestNu workshop and Agrofood, one of Agro2Circular partners, will attend the workshop.
Agrofood will talk about Agro2Circular methodologies and strategies, learn about its sister projects activities and expand Agro2Circular network to spin together the wheel of change for a more sustainable future for everybody.
More information on the workshop and the registration form can be found here.
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